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    Aspire Global wants to protect our planet for future generations. Together, we can make a quantifiable difference. Aspire Global has an environmental and social impact, globally and locally. Controlling this impact means being aware and minimizing any negative footprint from our operations, whether direct or indirect, and doing our best to contribute in a positive way where we are physically present and everywhere where there is an impact from the gaming industry as a whole.


    Minimize Environmental Impact

    Global Impact

    Over the past two decades, the effects of climate change have accelerated. Considerable evidence exists proving that climate change has been exacerbated by human activity. Changes in our post-industrial lifestyles have altered the chemical composition of the atmosphere, generating a build-up of greenhouse gases – primarily carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide– and raising the average global temperature. The consequences are already evident and will continue to worsen unless significant action is taken and quickly. It is vital that individuals, businesses, organizations and governments work towards the common goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Aspire Global is committed to do its part and set targets to minimize the environmental impact through its operations. Carbon Footprint Ltd has assessed the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of the Aspire Global Group. This Carbon Footprint Assessment is the first that Aspire Global has completed and will enable us to minimize our environmental impact by monitoring, reducing and offsetting emissions. The company implemented a corporate environmental policy and included the relevant GRI disclosures on energy, emissions, and waste management in annual reporting.

    Carbon Footprint – CO2 assessed Organisation

    The first step towards minimizing our environmental impact is calculating the Group’s carbon footprint by measuring the impact our activities have on the environment in terms of the greenhouse gases produced, measured in units of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e). Aspire Global is CO2E assessed by Carbon Footprint Ltd, which measured our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020 based on a dataset resulting from energy consumption and business transport activities. This is the company’s first Carbon Footprint Assessment and will therefore form the baseline year. The COVID-19 pandemic and national restrictions enforcing strict social distancing had a positive impact on the carbon footprint in 2020, mainly due to reduced business travel, commuting, and office energy usage after remote work became the norm.

    Our Carbon Management Journey

    After first quantifying our annual emissions, we set out targets customized to Aspire Global’s emissions profile, to ensure that the targets are ambitious but achievable. All targets will be reviewed in sustainability reporting and revised accordingly.

    bar Measure

    Set reduction targets based on intensity metrics and implement energy-saving solutions.

    target Aim

    Evaluate the effectiveness of remote meetings and limited travel during COVID-19, and redefine what the business classifies as “essential” travel going forward.

    network Reduce

    Evaluate waste processes and encourage the implementation of the waste hierarchy to increase recycling and prevent landfill waste.

    fruit Offset

    Offset the GHG emissions produced to achieve carbon neutrality.



    With global warming being mankind’s greatest challenge in the com ing years I am proud that Pariplay, via Aspire’s environment program, already this year reached the Group’s target to be carbon neutral. For Pariplay this is as important as being a Tier 1 aggregator! Offering the best games to operators in the most efficient ways is what we do everyday. Fighting global warming is what we do for our kids.

    Jesper Kärrbrink

    Chairman Pariplay


    Contribute to communities where we operate

    Local Impact

    In terms of local impact, Aspire Global focuses on paying taxes, providing job opportunities, contributing to a safer gaming market and participating in local charities. Aspire Global has a minor but important environmental impact globally and in all communities with an iGaming market, whether regulated or not and whether Aspire Global operates there or not. Having a clear focus on regulated markets and contributing to a reformed gaming industry affects players everywhere in the long run. The regulation trend is spreading from market to market, turning best practices into common practice.

    Aspire Global’s Corporate Social Responsibility strategy is designed to have a significant positive impact on the communities where we operate. It is executed through community engagement and a wide range of employee initiatives, which enriches and strengthens the communities where we operate through a variety of volunteering events, sponsorships and donations

    Taxes and Job Opportunities

    Aspire Global is active in various countries and employs 456 people. Being an international company of significant size with geographic diversity comes with a number of responsibilities, one of which is to contribute to the communities where we operate. Taxes are a direct and transparent way to contribute to society by financing infrastructure, providing job opportunities, directly and indirectly, and stimulating sustainable economic growth and innovation. Aspire Global Group contributes to society through corporate income taxes, gaming duties, employer taxes and indirect taxes (such as VAT), and as a global employer generating employee taxes for local governments. Aspire Global hires 78 percent of its employees locally, meaning they are citizens of the country where they work

    78 %

    Share of total employees who Are hired locally, I.E. Citizens of the country where they work

    Volunteering, Sponsorships and Donations

    Employee volunteering days are held to promote community inclusion. We support charitable giving and community engagement in the areas of education, social services and cultural initiatives. This includes charitable contributions to non-profits and registered charities as well as employee engagement programs. We want to contribute in ways that demonstrate our intrinsic value to local development and progress. The name of the game is to donate our time and expertise, develop our people and build teams, all while improving our communities. Through iGEN, we donated high-quality KN-95 medical face masks to front-line healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Focus Areas
    2022 Commitment

    Focus on less travel – best practices from zero travel during Covid times and travel with airlines offering biofuel/ green tickets.

    Implement a Group environmental policy – based on recycle, reduce, reuse: plastic free, reusable utensils, recycle tech equipment, supplier dd, etc.

    Aspire Impact

    Remain a carbon neutral company committed to further minimizing the environmental impact throughout our operations by: measuring – targeting – reducing – offsetting.

    Read more about focus areas and progress

    Supporting our people in their green commute to work

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